Remaining 2019-2020 Meetings and Recital Cancelled

After a lot of deliberation, the WRS Board has concluded, with much sadness, that we need to cancel the remaining in-person Nova and Antiqua meetings this season, and also to cancel the Spring Recital – for the safety of our members and their families, and to do our part for our community and nation in this difficult time.

However things develop over the next several months, it seems clear that there will be a continuing, urgent need to avoid in-person gatherings. Even if in-person gatherings are possible by June, the inability of our WRS groups to meet and rehearse music, and the fact that many if not most ensembles in our area also are not meeting at this time, means that preparing a recital for June 6 is not feasible.

Amherst Early Music will be offering more online recorder classes over the next several month. Those of you who are on the Amherst mailing list will be receiving information – and information will also be available on the AEM web site

You can also stay in touch with each other, and exchange information about opportunities to keep playing music, through our recently-launched WRS forum.

The Board is continuing to plan for our 2020-2021 season. We will conduct elections for the 2020-2021 Board of Directors online, in May or early June. Stay tuned for more information shortly.