
  • Remaining 2019-2020 Meetings and Recital Cancelled

    After a lot of deliberation, the WRS Board has concluded, with much sadness, that we need to cancel the remaining in-person Nova and Antiqua meetings this season, and also to cancel the Spring Recital – for the safety of our members and their families, and to do our part for our community and nation in…

    Read more: Remaining 2019-2020 Meetings and Recital Cancelled
  • March 16 WRS Antiqua Meeting Cancelled

    Due to concerns about the coronavirus, the March 16 Antiqua meeting has been cancelled.

    Read more: March 16 WRS Antiqua Meeting Cancelled
  • Poem by Monica Boruch

    One of the WRS members, Monica Boruch, has written a lovely poem for her teacher, Gwyn Roberts. It has been published in the Spring 2020 issue of the “American Recorder”, but you can also read it below. Recorder I sit at my music stand with light shining on notes and paper It’s evening and quiet…

    Read more: Poem by Monica Boruch
  • Gruskin Workshop and AEM Spring Break Weekend Cancelled

    Unfortunately, we have cancelled the Gruskin Workshop due to coronavirus concerns. If you registered, you will receive a refund check in the mail. The Amherst Early Music Spring Break Weekend has also been cancelled for the same reason.

    Read more: Gruskin Workshop and AEM Spring Break Weekend Cancelled
  • February Newsletter

    Read the February WRS Notes and learn about the many early music opportunities in the next few months here.

    Read more: February Newsletter