After a lot of deliberation, the WRS Board has concluded, with much sadness, that we need to cancel the remaining in-person Nova and Antiqua meetings this season, and also to cancel the Spring Recital – for the safety of our members and their families, and to do our part for our community and nation in…
Due to concerns about the coronavirus, the March 16 Antiqua meeting has been cancelled.
One of the WRS members, Monica Boruch, has written a lovely poem for her teacher, Gwyn Roberts. It has been published in the Spring 2020 issue of the “American Recorder”, but you can also read it below. Recorder I sit at my music stand with light shining on notes and paper It’s evening and quiet…
Unfortunately, we have cancelled the Gruskin Workshop due to coronavirus concerns. If you registered, you will receive a refund check in the mail. The Amherst Early Music Spring Break Weekend has also been cancelled for the same reason.
Read the February WRS Notes and learn about the many early music opportunities in the next few months here.