Even though we can’t meet in person, we will still celebrate the holidays by playing over Zoom with our music leader, David McGown. He will provide play-along recordings of music of the season. Click here to register and receive the music. See you then!
Click here for the December newsletter, WRS Notes. Learn about the latest schedule and get to know fellow members Jayme Sokolow and Gabe Johnson. Level up your playing with fabulous teachers and practice tips.
For the next WRS online meeting on Monday, December 6, Héloïse Degrugillier will teach a class on “Renaissance Dances, Chansons, Canzonas: How We Arrived at the Sonata.“ Héloïse has worked extensively as both a recorder and traverse performer, and teacher throughout Europe and the United States. She has performed with leading period ensembles and has an…
The next online meeting of the season will be Monday, November 1, 2021 with Adela Balima, a professional recorder player and teacher who is also a member of the Washington Recorder Society. Read more about her at her website here. The meeting begins at 7:00 for Virtual Happy Hour where we will catch up on…
Our first online meeting of the season will be Monday, October 4, 2021 with Emily O’Brien. Read more about her at her website here. The meeting begins at 7:00 for Virtual Happy Hour where we will catch up on the summer’s activities. Then Emily will teach from 7:30-9:00 pm. Register here to get the Zoom…