Join an on-line session with Annette Bauer, talented recorder player and multi-instrumentalist. Among her specialties are medieval and Renaissance music, North Indian classical music, and performance from original manuscripts. See:, and On the music she is choosing, Annette says: “April Fishes, April Fool’s. Our meeting on April 1st will be all about…
Click here to read the latest news about future meetings and many other recorder events. See announcements for the Washington Recorder Society Spring recital, a note with link on an Anon recorder performance, Mollie Habermeier’s answers to the ‘Whence Recorder Questionnaire’, and more.
We will have an annual recital on Saturday, May 18th from 3-5PM at St Columba’s church in Tenleytown. We will play some music as a group. See the music and recordings of it here. At our February meeting, we began distributing music, assigned parts and started working on the music. We will have a rehearsal…
Register with Amherst Early Music to participate in the Spring Break Workshop, at George Washington University.
Click here to read the latest news about future meetings and many other recorder events. See announcements for Capitol Early Music January concert and workshop, Amherst spring workshop, and virtual workshops by Tina Chancey and others. See Marge Hogarty’s answers to the ‘Whence Recorder Questionnaire’.