Play with other WRS members at St Columba’s Church, 4201 Albemarle St, NW, Washington DC 20016. Parking and metro is nearby. Doors open at 10:00 am to meet and greet. David McGown and Adela Balima lead fun and interesting pieces from 10:30 am – 12:30 pm. See you there!
Anne will be with us for an exploration of the music and life of Henry Purcell. The area in the shadow of Westminster Abbey used to be called “The Devil’s Acre.” Henry Purcell’s entire life was spent there, and though he lived only 33 short years, Purcell penned some of the freshest, most intricate music…
Don’t miss any of the wonderful upcoming WRS activities. Click here to pay your dues.
Click here to read the latest news about the upcoming season and many other recorder events. Read highlights of the Amherst Early Music Festival and other recent performances that WRS members participated in. See what other early music organizations are doing in the next few months. The new classified section has instruments and accessories available for purchase…
The 2023-2024 WRS season begins on Saturday, September 23 with an in-person meeting at St Columba’s Episcopal Church, 4201 Albemarle St NW, Washington, DC 20016. The doors open at 10:00 am and the playing begins at 10:30 under the direction of Adéla Balima and David McGown. We hope to see you there.