Sat, March. 8, 10:30am-12:30pm: regular session with David McGown and Adéla Balima
In person music playing led by David McGown and Adéla Balima. Play with other WRS members at St Columba’s Church, 4201 Albemarle St, NW, Washington DC 20016. Parking and metro available nearby. Doors open at 10:00 am to meet and greet
Amherst Early Music Spring Break Workshop, March 15-16
Amherst Early Music is holding their Spring Break Workshop, March 15-16, at St. George’s Episcopal Church, Arlington, Va. Recorder faculty are Rainer Beckmann, Letitia Berlin, and Wendy Powers. The focus is on music of Guerrero and Monteverdi. For registration with Amherst Early Music, go here
February Newsletter is out
Click here to read about our next in-person and remote meetings, Holiday performances by members, Amherst Early music upcoming DC spring workshop (March 15-16), Madeleine Moore’s answers to Whence Recorder questions, the DC Consort Anon, and more